last post from Greenhorn at the Feb 8th 2021.
Replacement Keycaps for the Amiga Classics computers Make your old keyboard get its glory & shine back. Does anyone have any ideas what the current waiting times are? I can't find much information anywhere. If you don’t have an actual Amiga 1200 motherboard to put in this, that is NOT a problem as this supports more than just the original board. This version of the core doesn’t support the onboard IDE port (or PCMCIA slot) on the Amiga motherboard, hence having to hook it up to the Vampire. but the 'SAGA' within the Vampire line Fix: V2 500/600/1200 support broken Fix: Disable PiP for V2 and instead use regular windowed mode You can run the executables directly on your Amiga or Vampire Amiga 1200 capacitor replacement service, all board revisions (1A,1B,1D1,1D4,2B). Today has been announced Vampire V4, and what a beast it is: it comes in different flavours, including an Amiga 1200 version, and a standalone version. If you are a fan of the Amiga you will find other people to chat with and maybe even add some website links and upload files for other fans to use. Keyrah V2b is the revised version of the very popular Keyrah interface.
The new V600 V2’s from Majsta don’t need it. Some games can be very touchy so try to use the two systems if a game is not working.